How Fast Can Commercial Trucks Safely Travel on Highways?

Commercial trucking is a major industry in Missouri and across the United States. Commercial trucks are the backbone of many economies because they ensure that goods are transported efficiently from one destination to another. However, the sheer size and weight of these vehicles can cause… read more

Is Missouri a No-Fault State?

Every state requires most of its drivers to purchase automobile insurance in case of a car accident, alternate legal systems are available depending on the state you live in. Some states apply a no-fault system for auto insurance. Most states, however, apply an at-fault auto… read more

What Is the Difference Between Express and Implied Consent?

As a patient, you might hear your doctor or the medical facility use the terms express consent and implied consent. Typically, lengthy forms are given to you to sign before you receive medical treatment or undergo a medical procedure. What do these terms mean, and… read more

5 Leading Causes of House Fires

Every year, close to 360,000 house fires start, killing almost 3,000 people and causing catastrophic injuries for thousands more. These fires are devastating, but the good news is that most of them are preventable. So what are the most common causes of house fires, and… read more

Should I Call 911 After a Car Accident in Kansas City?

If you were recently involved in a car accident, you might have many questions: How did this happen? What should I do next? Should I call 911 after a car accident in Kansas City, MO? Should I hire a car accident lawyer?  We know that… read more

Do You Qualify To Sue for Wrongful Death?

If you have recently lost a loved one due to the negligence of another, you may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim to seek justice and financial accountability. However, your right to sue for wrongful death depends on your relationship with the victim,… read more

How Much To Expect From A Car Accident Settlement

If you were injured in a car accident, you are likely anxious to learn about the potential compensation you may be able to recover. You may be concerned about unpaid medical bills and other financial obligations you’ve had trouble keeping up with while you’ve been… read more

Window Tint Laws in Missouri 

Most states — Missouri included — have laws in place that regulate the degree to which a vehicle’s windows can be tinted. Tinting your windows beyond what’s allowed by law puts you at risk of ticketing and fines. However, the tint on your car’s windows… read more

Car Accidents Caused by Brake Checking in Missouri

The list of car accident causes is a long one. Brake checking is among these causes. This driving behavior creates a dangerous environment for everyone on the road, most significantly, the individuals behind the negligent driver engaging in the act. When you’re involved in a… read more

Are There Different Types of Motorcycle Licenses in Missouri?

When it comes to operating motorcycles on public roadways, every state enforces its own licensing requirements. Motorcycles are some of the most dangerous vehicles on Missouri roads. Because riders have limited safety elements, minor accidents can result in serious injuries. As such, the Missouri Department… read more