Ryan Bradley | September 1, 2019 | Federal Motor Carrier Regulations \ Truck Accident
FMCSA Strengthens Trucker Drug Restrictions
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), an agency of the United States Department of Transportation, promulgated a new final rule to emphasize that illegal drug use can bar a truck driver from operating a commercial motor vehicle. FMCSA regulations are an important safeguard of… read more
Ryan Bradley | August 1, 2019 | Truck Accident
Alcohol, Drugs and Tractor Trailers
Driving while intoxicated is a major problem on our country’s roadways. On almost any given day you can open the newspaper or look at daily crash reports and see at least one alcohol related accident that occurred in the area. In fact, Missouri had 364… read more
Ryan Bradley | August 1, 2019 | Tractor Trailer Crash \ Truck Accident
Alcohol Suspected In Fatal Crash Involving Semi Driver in St. Louis, MO
The last week of 2010 saw a fatal accident on Interstate 70, near Agate, Colorado. A St. Louis, Missouri tractor-trailer driver is charged with causing the accident which took the life of a 71-year old man, and seriously injured two others. It is believed the… read more
Ryan Bradley | August 1, 2019 | Federal Motor Carrier Regulations \ Truck Accident
FMCSA Establishes A Consumer Checklist For Choosing Moving Companies
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has recently established a checklist for consumers to better help them choose “responsible” interstate moving companies. Consumers often choose moving companies when they have to transport a large amount of personal property from one… read more
Ryan Bradley | August 1, 2019 | Federal Motor Carrier Regulations \ Tractor Trailer Personal Injury News \ Truck Accident
FMCSA Improves Motor Carrier Regulations Concerning Hazardous Materials
Enforcing motor carrier safety regulations decrease the risk of Missouri trucking accidents. When motor carriers such as trucking and passenger bus companies know that safety regulations will be enforced, they comply with safety regulations. Since safety regulations are designed to decrease the risk of a… read more
Ryan Bradley | July 1, 2019 | Federal Motor Carrier Regulations \ Truck Accident
FMCSA Initiates U.S.-Mexico Trucking Pilot Program
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has launched a pilot program to facilitate long-haul trucking across the border of the United States and Mexico. The program is designed to determine whether Mexican motor carriers may operate beyond the areas along the United States and… read more
Ryan Bradley | June 1, 2019 | Truck Accident
Teen Driver Hit By Truck Driver in Missouri
Katlin J. Elam, a 16 year old from Bucklin, Missouri, was injured in a Linn County Missouri semi-truck accident on December 29, 2011. After the Missouri side impact truck accident, the Bucklin teen was transported to Pershing Hospital by Linn County Ambulance. Elam was attempting… read more
Ryan Bradley | June 1, 2019 | Truck Accident
FMCSA Administrator Asks Senate to Help Deter Missouri Truck Accidents
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is federal agency focused on increasing highway safety and preventing Missouri trucking accidents. The FMCSA Administrator, Anne S. Ferro, recently made an oral statement to a transportation committee of the United States Senate about reauthorizing its Motor Carrier… read more
Ryan Bradley | June 1, 2019 | Federal Motor Carrier Regulations \ Truck Accident
FMCSA Makes Extension For Safety Measurement System
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration recently announced a sixty (60) day extension for motor carriers and other large truck or bus transportation companies to make comments and suggestions on the FMCSA’s Safety Measurement System (SMS). The SMS has been used… read more
Ryan Bradley | May 1, 2019 | Federal Motor Carrier Regulations \ Truck Accident
Man Seriously Injured By Truck in Missouri
A Cass County Missouri truck accident left a man from Shell Knob, Missouri seriously injured on July 18, 2011 at 2:50pm. The Cass County Missouri trucking accident occurred as a 2005 Kenworth and a 2005 Hyundai travelled on northbound U.S. Highway 71. Michael E. Finney… read more