Put our award-winning attorneys on your side

This is an impage of a car crash scene in downtown St. Louis Missouri

When someone else’s negligent or reckless actions cause you harm, you shouldn’t have to pay for it twice. But for folks who don’t team up with the right St. Louis car accident lawyer, that’s exactly what can happen. We don’t want that to happen to you, too. At Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we don’t back down form a fight and we don’t accept less than what you deserve. When it’s time to fight, we’re ready.


How Our St. Louis Car Accident Lawyers Can Help

Bradley Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers has a reputation in St. Louis for taking on tough cases. We dig in deep because that’s what our clients deserve: lawyers who aren’t afraid of hard work or a tough fight. That’s why we’re consistently setting records with the awards we get for our clients, including the largest motorcycle accident in Missouri history ($14,250,000.00) and the largest wrongful death settlement for a child in Missouri history ($14,000,000.00).

Our founder began his practice by representing insurance companies, and we can use this insider knowledge to the table to protect your ability to get the settlement you deserve. He’s got the most reported winning cases (Missouri Lawyers Weekly) in the state. When we say the insurance companies know when we’re coming, we’re not lying.

We are also skilled trial lawyers with resources at our disposal if your case needs to be litigated. We never back down or ask our clients to accept a sub-par settlement. We will negotiate your claim from the date of its filing through a full trial if one is needed to protect your ability to receive the money you need.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

In the case of the largest motorcycle settlement in Missouri history, our client was told by numerous other St. Louis car accident lawyers that there was only one defendant (the driver of the vehicle involved in the motorcycle accident). This defendant only carried $250,000.00 in insurance. After reviewing the case and understanding the depth of our client’s life-altering injuries, E. Ryan Bradley called in experts who uncovered multiple other issues with this accident, like poor placement of a sign that obstructed a clear line of vision for our client and the driver of the car. As a result, our client was able to recover a much larger settlement.

When you or a loved one are injured, you deserve to have us on your side. We leave no stone unturned and review your case thoroughly to find out who is at fault and how much compensation you will need to continue living your life to the fullest extent possible.

What Does a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer Do?

Car accident lawyers help individuals who have been involved in a car accident recover compensation for their injuries and damages. People who drive carelessly and cause accidents should pay for accident victims’ pain, suffering, injuries, and property damage. In these cases, legal representation is often necessary to battle big insurance carriers who want accident victims to accept lowball settlement offers. 

We can:

  • Discuss your case and possible outcomes directly with you
  • Analyze evidence to ensure all liable parties are identified
  • File your claim and handle all communication with opposing parties and their insurers
  • Negotiate for a settlement on your behalf
  • File the complaint (lawsuit) in court if settlement negotiations go nowhere
  • Represent your best interests in front of a judge and jury
  • Provide constant communication to you to keep you updated on the details of your case.
Ryan Bradley, St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer

When you hire a St. Louis car accident lawyer from Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers, you can let your lawyer do the heavy-hitting with the insurance company and protect your right to maximize your settlement. 

Common Causes of Car Accidents in St. Louis

According to the most recent data from the Missouri Department of Transportation, Missouri had 944 traffic-related fatalities in 2024. The State doesn’t offer a breakdown of these numbers, but Trailnet, a St. Louis-based advocacy group fighting for safer streets, reports that in 2023, 95 people died in traffic-related crashes in St. Louis County and 8,979 people were injured.

So what’s causing all these wrecks?

Driver Negligence Is a Leading Cause of Car Wrecks

Mostly, these car crashes are the result of people driving like they own the roads. The more common behaviors include:

In these scenarios, the driver of the vehicle acts in a way that breaches their duty of care to protect their passengers and other drivers on the roadways, as well as pedestrians and cyclists. It’s our job to fight for those victims’ ability to receive compensation for the injuries they suffer due to these unsafe drivers. 

Unsafe Roads and Road Design Can Cause Accidents

As was discovered in our client’s motorcycle accident case, roadway design, problematic signage, and roads that are not in good repair can contribute to accidents. The agencies that are responsible for maintaining these roadways have a duty of care to keep the public safe while they travel on them. 

Weather Can Contribute to Collisions

Weather related accidents add complexity as drivers often misjudge what’s safe in the rain or snow. Additionally, drivers may not be able to tell if a roadway is icy or slick. These factors can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles, especially if they are not using due caution when driving through inclement weather. 

2023 St. Louis City and County Crash Report Showing Number of People Involved in Car Accidents, Bicycle Accidents and Pedestrian Accidents in the City of St. Louis in 2023

2023 St. Louis City and County Crash Report_Page_06

Types of Compensation Available in St. Louis Car Accidents

There are three different types of compensation to which you may be entitled if you are the victim of a car accident in Missouri. Economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages are all types of compensation that can be awarded after an accident. 

  • Economic damages. These include items that have a defined monetary amount, like ER visits, surgeries, rehabilitation, and future medical care. Economic damages also include lost wages, costs associated with career changes due to your injury, and long-term earning potential. 
  • Non-economic damages. A lawyer can negotiate for compensation that reflects your real financial loss. This includes compensation for pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and inconvenience. 
  • Punitive damages. Punitive damages are given to victims in cases where the defendant has been particularly reckless or malicious. These damages are meant as a punishment for negligent behavior. 

How we calculate your damages

At Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we calculate pain and suffering by considering factors such as the severity of your injuries, length of recovery and impact on daily life. These damages go beyond just physical impairment and include changes in your quality of life. 

A well-calculated pain and suffering award can include a wide range of consequences such as chronic physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life’s activities—all part of your damage claim. We use tools like the “multiplier” method where economic damages are multiplied by a factor to quantify these experiences. 

This careful calculation is matched with a deep understanding of the personal consequences so victims get compensation beyond just tangible losses. Our experienced lawyers can make a big difference in getting an award that covers these intangible but real damages.

Calculating punitive damages is different. Missouri caps punitive damages band they must be supported by clear and convincing evidence. This could be gross negligence or intent to harm, so the case for punitive damages is a detailed and strategic part of the legal process.

Choosing a car accident attorney who knows how to pursue all types of compensation is key. Not all attorneys have the experience and knowledge to ensure that demands for these types of compensation meet all necessary legal requirements to be paid. 

What Are Missouri’s Car Accident Laws?

Missouri has laws that require drivers to operate their vehicles with care and maintain a liability insurance policy. 

Insurance Requirements

In Missouri, motorists are required to carry liability insurance with the following minimum level of coverage:

  • $25,000 per person for bodily injury
  • $50,000 per accident for bodily injury
  • $25,000 per accident for property

Missouri law also requires motor vehicle owners to carry uninsured motorist coverage of $25,000 for bodily injury per person and $50,000 for bodily injury per accident. Missouri is an at-fault state, which means that the driver responsible for the accident must pay for damages. MedPay insurance is not required but is recommended. MedPay insurance pays for medical bills for you and your passengers if you are involved in a car accident, even if the accident is your fault. 

Contacting the Police

A police report can be a useful tool in establishing liability for a car accident. In some cases, you are required by Missouri law to contact the police. You must call the police after an accident if:

  • There are any injuries or fatalities 
  • Property damage exceeds $500
  • Any drivers involved are uninsured
  • Your insurance company requires a police report
  • The accident in question happened less than one year ago

Understanding Pure Comparative Fault

Missouri is a pure comparative fault state. This means that if you are involved in an accident and are found to be responsible, the amount you may be able to collect can be reduced by your percentage of fault. For instance, if you have a $1,000,000.00 claim but are found to be 20% at fault for the accident, you may only be able to collect $80,000.00. The attorneys at Bradley Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers work diligently to help protect you from undue fault in a car accident while working to secure the maximum settlement you can collect. 

St. Louis’ Ordinances for Operating a Vehicle

Most lawyers do not consider St. Louis local ordinances as a source of establishing duty. While these ordinances don’t make much difference in most cases, in the right case they can go a long way in establishing additional duties of care.

For example, St. Louis ordinance 17.08.030 entitled “Obedience to traffic-control devices—Exceptions” states “No provision of this chapter for which official traffic control devices are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator if at the time and place of the alleged violation, an official device is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person.” In a case we settled for $14,250,000 this ordinance was instrumental in reducing the comparative fault of the other driver because the traffic signal did not comply with this ordinance. This allowed us to shift the focus back to the company that installed a vision-blocking sign that impaired motorist’s vision.

There are additional ordinances that apply to vehicular sound and financial responsibility.

  • Ordinance 67002 makes it unlawful to install and/or operate any device in a vehicle that would cause it to produce sound that is louder than reasonable for the hearing of passengers in the vehicle. 
  • Chapter 17.53 of the St. Louis City Code outlines ordinances for the operation of motor vehicles without insurance. These codes make it unlawful for a motorist to operate a vehicle in St. Louis without maintaining minimum insurance requirements.

At Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we scour every aspect of your case and hold it against both state and local laws to determine how best to get you the justice you are owed. 

What Are the Most Dangerous Roads in St. Louis?




The most dangerous intersection in the state is right here in St. Louis: North Grand Boulevard and Montgomery Street. It was actually a runner-up in Time Magazine’s search for the most dangerous intersection in the country – that’s how bad it is.

Additional dangerous roads include:

  • Kingshighway Blvd
  • Gravois Bluffs Blvd
  • Lindell Blvd and Olive St. intersection
  • Natural Bridge Rd.
  • Skinker Blvd and McCausland Ave intersection
  • Arsenal St.
  • Rt. 70
  • W. Florissant Ave

Specifically, the following areas are known by locals to be accident “hot spots.”

  • Grand Avenue And Interstate 70. This exit is notorious for accidents due to the lack of visible painting instructing drivers on which way to proceed as they exit or enter the freeway.
  • Hampton Avenue. Hampton Avenue is heavily trafficked. The interchange of Hampton Avenue and I-44 has some the heaviest merging traffic in the city which can lead to accidents. 
  • Jefferson Avenue. Intersection complexities, speeding, and heavy traffic contribute to accidents on Jefferson Avenue. 
  • Grand Boulevard. Grand Boulevard has become increasingly problematic and the scene of numerous accidents. It is heavily congested with motorists who often ignore posted speed limit signs and it features two interchanges with I-64 and I-70. 
  • Gravois Bluffs Boulevard. Gravois Bluffs Boulevard and the interchange of Highway 141 feature eight points of entry and exit. Combined with aggressive drivers and carelessness, there’s a much higher risk for accidents to occur. 
  • Lindell Boulevard. Lindell Boulevard becomes problematic during rush hours, and also around the area of Forrest Park due to tourist traffic. 

Even the safest drivers can find themselves in an accident due to someone else’s poor judgment or lack of care

How to Choose a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer

Choosing a St. Louis car accident lawyer is a big decision. Your car accident claim can mean the difference between being able to take care of yourself in the future or struggling with medical treatments you need and cannot afford. 

When you meet with us or any attorney to discuss your case, there are several questions you should ask.

  1. How successful have you been negotiating claims like mine?
  2. Do you have trial experience in case my claim needs to go to trial? 
  3. How do you collect your fees and what will your fees cost?
  4. How do you communicate with clients?

At Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we are upfront and honest about your case, how we work, and how we will fight to help you recover your damages. 

Frequently Asked Questions About St. Louis Car Accidents

As car accident attorneys in St. Louis, we get a lot of questions. Here are some of the questions we are most frequently asked. 

Should I get a lawyer for a minor car accident in Missouri?

Are you hurt? Then yes. You can always hire a lawyer for a car accident, even if it is minor, if you get hurt at all.

How much does a St. Louis car accident lawyer cost?

Attorney fees vary based on experience and the complexity of your case. Most car accident attorneys, including Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers, do not collect their fees until after we win your case. A portion of your settlement is then used to pay your attorney fees. 

Do I need a lawyer for a car accident settlement?

We you hurt? Then you probably do. Injuries can take a while to resolve and insurance companies are likely to offer way less than you’ll need to recover. Hiring a lawyer shows you mean business.

Can I get compensation if I’m at fault in a St. Louis car accident?

Yes, as long as someone else shares some of the blame. Missouri is a pure comparative negligence state, so the amount you may claim can be reduced by the amount of responsibility you had for the accident, which is usually given as a percentage. 

How long do I have to file a lawsuit after a car wreck in Missouri?

You have five years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit. Hiring an attorney can help ensure you don’t miss a deadline and that your claim is handled expeditiously. 

What if I was driving for work when my car accident happened?

If you were in a car accident while working, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits through your employer. Filing for workers’ comp has its own set of rules and deadlines so get started sooner rather than later.  You can file for those benefits at the same time you file a civil claim against the at-fault driver. However, any payments made by the workers’ comp insurer are subject to subrogation from the third party’s insurer.

What if the other driver doesn’t have insurance?

If the other driver is uninsured you can get compensation through your own insurance company policy. In Missouri uninsured motorist coverage is mandatory. Our lawyers can review your policy and advise you on the best way to get compensation.

What if I didn’t have car insurance but wasn’t at fault?

Under current Missouri law, often referred to as the “no pay no play” statute, if you didn’t have car insurance you can’t recover non-economic damages. Under RSMO §303.390, an innocent victim can’t recover non-economic damages from an at-fault driver if the victim didn’t have their own liability insurance. There are limited exceptions, however. For example, if the at-fault driver was intoxicated then the statute doesn’t apply. Other limited exceptions may apply to your case, so come talk to us before you give up.

How long will it take to settle my car accident case?

There’s no set amount of time for a car accident settlement. Sometimes cases can be resolved in a couple of months. Sometimes, it can take years – especially if you have an injury that requires a lot of care, or if there are multiple people involved. We do our best to get your case resolved as quickly as possible, but we’re not willing to sacrifice your future just for a fast settlement.

Will my case go to trial?

Not all cases go to trial. Many are settled with the insurance company. But if the insurance company won’t offer a fair settlement we will take your case to court to get you the compensation you deserve.

Should I talk to the at-fault party’s insurance after a car accident?


If you are represented by an attorney all communication should be handled by the attorney. If you do speak to an insurance adjuster, keep in mind that they work for the insurance company and have a responsibility to protect their best interests, not yours. Anything you say to them could be used against you, so it is important to proceed with caution. 

St. Louis, MO Auto Repair Shops

  • St. Louis Auto & Truck Repair, Inc. – 2701 Delmar Blvd
  • Meineke Car Care Center – 728 S 4th St
  • Custom Complete Automotive – 5406 Chippewa St
  • Alleyway Auto Repair – 2016 S 9th St Rear

Do You Have a Car Accident Lawyer Near Me?

Our St. Louis office is located at 1430 Washington Avenue, Suite 226, two blocks behind the City Museum. We’re about two blocks away from the St. Louis Public Library, too. We offer onsite parking but there’s also a couple of bus stops near our office. Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers also has offices in Missouri in Kansas City and Richmond Heights, and in Illinois in Belleville

Our Car Accident Attorneys in St. Louis Won’t Back Down

A car accident may leave you with catastrophic injuries and damages. Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers will not back down from big insurance carriers who don’t want to compensate you for your injuries and life changes. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.