St. Louis Intersection Crashes Lawyer

Intersection crashes are very common types of car accidents. Side-impact accidents and head-on collisions are common at intersections. Our St. Louis intersection crashes lawyers at Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers have experience investigating and negotiating a settlement for an intersection collision. Schedule your free consultation at (314) 400-0000.

An intersection accident can cause catastrophic injuries because of the angle of the vehicles when they collide.

Contact our law firm now to request a free consultation with our St. Louis personal injury lawyer. Obtain the formal legal advice you need to make the best decision about your case.

How Our St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help if You’ve Been Injured in an Intersection Crash

How Our St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help if You’ve Been Injured in an Intersection Crash

Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers is one of St. Louis’s premier injury law firms. We obtain top car accident verdicts each year, including six, seven, and even eight-figure awards.

We understand that choosing a lawyer is an important decision. When you choose a St. Louis car accident attorney to handle your case, you do not want to make your decision based solely upon advertisements. The choice of a lawyer is too important. You want to base this important decision on client referrals and winning results. 

Our clients routinely give our law firm high ratings on client satisfaction and attorney-client relationship. Other attorneys and judges also give our lawyers high ratings for peer reviews.

When you hire our legal team, you can expect us to:

  • Represent you with the same personalized service and dedication we give to each of our clients
  • Investigate the cause of your car accident 
  • Gather and preserve evidence to prove fault and liability
  • File insurance claims and negotiate fair settlements with insurance providers
  • Prepare and file a personal injury lawsuit and aggressively represent you in court

Contact our office to schedule a free consultation with a St. Louis personal injury attorney. Let us explain in greater detail how we work to get you the money you deserve for an injury claim. 

How Common Are Intersection Crashes in St. Louis?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that there are over 2.18 million intersection accidents each year nationwide. About 40 percent of traffic accidents happen at intersections.

In 2019, over 125 fatal intersection crashes occurred in Missouri. A total of 10,302 personal injury crashes occurred at intersections that year. Almost 52,000 crashes occurred at an intersection controlled by a red light. 

Overview of Intersection Crashes

Intersection crashes occur throughout St. Louis, including the intersections along Kings Highway Boulevard. Some of the crashes at intersections result in only property damage. However, many intersection accidents result in traumatic injuries and fatalities. 

What Are Common Causes of Intersection Crashes?

Many factors may play a role in an intersection crash. Most accidents at intersections are caused by negligence and driver error. 

Common causes of St. Louis intersection crashes include:

An accident investigation is necessary to determine the cause of the accident. Our legal team does not leave anything to chance. We pour over the details of the crash and diligently search for evidence proving the cause of the crash. 

Common Types of Injuries Caused by Intersection Crashes

Intersection accidents cause injuries to motor vehicle occupants, pedestrians, and bicyclists

Injuries that an accident victim might sustain include:

Some individuals may sustain permanent disabilities because of the injuries. Other victims may not survive their injuries. Wrongful death claims may be filed by family members who lose a loved one because of an intersection accident. 

Who is Liable for an Intersection Crash?

The driver who caused the collision is liable for the damages caused by the crash. Proving the driver was responsible for causing the car wreck can be difficult. 

Evidence that we may use to prove liability for an intersection accident includes:

  • Eyewitness statements
  • Statements made by the drivers and other parties involved in the crash
  • Videos and photographs taken of the accident scene
  • Physical evidence from the scene and the vehicles
  • Videos of the accident from traffic cameras or nearby surveillance
  • Evidence provided by expert witnesses, such as accident reconstructionist

Once we prove that the other driver caused the crash, we can demand compensation for your damages. Damages can include financial losses, such as lost income and medical bills. Damages from an accident also factor your pain and suffering, permanent impairments, and other non-economic damages

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Schedule a Free Consultation With Our St. Louis Intersection Crashes Lawyers

Contact us now to talk with a St. Louis intersection crashes lawyer. The consultation is free, and you are under no obligation to hire our law firm after meeting with an attorney.