A 3-year-old boy was killed and at least 30 others were injured in a staggering pile up near Kansas City on Saturday morning. 19 vehicles were involved in all, including six tractor trailers.

This chain reaction tractor trailer crash occurred on I-35 and authorities say that low temperatures, slick roads and a thick fog made the area very treacherous. The crash happened around 7 a.m. so the sun had not quite risen yet either, further reducing visibility.

According to a WDAF-Kansas City report, this fatal tractor trailer and car wreck was first triggered when a tow truck, which had been stopped to help a disabled vehicle, was hit. A chain reaction occurred where several big rigs jack-knifed and other cars began rear ending one another.

The boy, whose name has not been released, was apparently riding without a seat belt or car seat and was involved in one of the worst collisions in this pile up. 15 others were taken to area hospitals, six with life-threatening injuries. At least 30 people sustained some type of injury, though officials quoted in the WDAF report say the accident could have been much worse given the conditions.

Our thoughts our with the family of the deceased and hopefully all of the injured make a full recovery.

An unusually large amount of fog has been present across the area for several days now and continues to cause problems. Patchy ice may still remain on roadways for days after a snowfall.

While there is no doubt the weather played a factor in this tragic accident, all drivers are responsible for their own vehicle despite the conditions. Driving in conditions you or your vehicle can’t handle will increase your chances of being involved in a serious injury accident. Know your limitations and know the conditions of the road before getting on the highway.

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1430 Washington Ave Suite #226 St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 400-0000

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1509 NE Parvin Rd, Suite A., Kansas City, MO 64116
(816) 408-3448

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