What Is Chantix?

Chantix is a prescription drug expressly intended to help patients stop smoking tobacco. Also known as varenicline, it decreases the pleasure associated with cigarettes and reduces cravings, giving some smokers the extra help they need to quit.

Chantix Side Effects

Unfortunately, Chantix also has a host of potentially serious psychiatric side effects, including depression, suicidal thoughts, aggression, hallucinations, blurred vision, confusion, as well as increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. As a result, more and more patients are reaching out to Missouri Drug Recall Attorneys about the possibility of a dangerous drug lawsuit.

Chantix and the FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration takes the risk of psychiatric side effects so seriously that required a black box warning its most serious on the label starting in 2009. As of late 2011, the FDA received thousands of reports of depression, suicide or self-harm in patients taking Chantix. Anecdotal reports and Chantix lawsuits also report increased aggression, homicidal behavior and psychosis. In many reported cases, the patient had no previous history of psychiatric problems.

The psychiatric side effects were part of the reason the Federal Aviation Administration cited for its 2008 ban on the use of Chantix by pilots and air traffic controllers. The agency also cited reports physical problems in users of Chantix that could affect aviation safety, including blurred vision, seizures, diabetes and heart problems. Published reports suggest Chantix is also associated with an increased risk of auto accidents and falls possibly due to blurred vision and seizures. In fact, the maker of Chantix, Pfizer, warns patients not to drive until they know how the drug affects them.

Evidence of heart problems, including an increased risk of heart attack, caused two sets of safety warnings from the FDA in the summer of 2011. In those communications, the FDA’s review of clinical trials uncovered an increased risk of heart attack, angina requiring hospitalization and other serious heart problems, when compared to placebo treatment. Another meta-analysis of Chantix users found a significantly increased risk of heart problems as well. Perhaps most importantly, that study noted the FDA had data showing an increased number of heart problems in Chantix users when it originally approved the medication in 2006. This is especially concerning because smoking is a risk factor for heart problems, and many smokers cite health problems as a reason they want to quit.

Chantix Lawsuits

As a result of these serious safety problems with Chantix, Pfizer is facing hundreds of lawsuits from people who suffered serious psychiatric side effects. Many more suits may be filed over cardiovascular side effects of Chantix. These suits most often claim Pfizer failed to warn patients of Chantix risks.

All drug manufacturers have a legal duty to warn patients of their products’ safety risks. They certainly may not attempt to cover up problems with their drugs, as Pfizer has been accused of doing by misreporting episodes of depression and suicide. When a manufacturer fails to uphold its legal duty to warn patients of known side effects, patients have the right to hold the manufacturer responsible for any injuries or illness they suffer as a result.

Our Chantix Lawyers Can Help

The law firm of Ryan Bradley represents clients across Missouri who have suffered serious harm from Chantix. Our Missouri Dangerous Drug lawyers represent families who suffered a loss or serious illness as well as individual patients. Frequently, an injury from a defective prescription drug goes beyond causing pain and suffering and into the family’s financial security. When a breadwinner dies or becomes too sick to work, the family loses substantial income, which is often compounded by high medical bills. This can quickly strain the budgets and emotions of ordinary families. In a lawsuit, our experienced attorneys help patients claim the financial costs of their Chantix injuries, including lost wages, medical costs and more, as well as compensation for serious illness or injury and serious emotional losses.

If you believe certain drugs like chantix, zocor or any other kinds out there have caused depression, heart problems or other life-threatening problems in your family, don’t wait. 

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For more information, please contact Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers at your nearest location to schedule a free case evaluation today.

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1430 Washington Ave Suite #226 St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 400-0000

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1509 NE Parvin Rd, Suite A., Kansas City, MO 64116
(816) 408-3448

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