Ryan Bradley | August 1, 2018 | Car Accident \ Product Defect
Lamborghini Aventador SV Recall
If you purchased a 2015 or 2016 Lamborghini Aventador SV, it is time to slow down and take it easy around the turns. There are eight SV coupes and roadsters that are now part of a recall. The bolts that are used in the wheel… read more
Ryan Bradley | May 28, 2018 | Car Accident
Dodge Charger Pursuit Recall 2015-2018
Dodge Chargers have been used by police departments for many years due to their great handling, intense speed, and numerous customization features. The Pursuit model made its debut back in 2006 and quickly took the lead away from the Crown Victoria when it came to… read more
Ryan Bradley | May 1, 2018 | Car Accident
Freightliner Rear Ends Man In Truck Accident In St. Louis, MO
Bruce D. Cummings was injured in a St. Louis Missouri truck accident on October 27, 2011 at 3:23pm. The St. Louis County Missouri truck accident occurred as Cummings drove a 2009 Mercury Mountainer on the southbound side of I-270. The Thursday afternoon highway traffic stopped… read more
Ryan Bradley | April 1, 2018 | Car Accident
Jefferson County Tow-Truck Accident Leaves Man with Serious Injuries
Saturday, January 8th saw a somewhat bizarre serious injury accident with extremely grave consequences occur on Williams Creek Road. Around 1:30 p.m., Roy Smith, 57, was driving his 2004 Chevy Silverado eastbound. A tow truck was off-loading a 1999 Volkswagen Passat into a private drive… read more
Ryan Bradley | April 1, 2018 | Car Accident
International Tractor Trailer Collides With Tow Truck On I-70
A 2008 international tractor trailer struck a 2002 international tow truck on eastbound Interstate 70 in Callaway County on May 22, 2012. The accident occurred at 7:00am on that day. Harold W. Brown of Olathe, Kansas was driving the International Tractor Trailer eastbound on I-70…. read more
Ryan Bradley | February 1, 2018 | Car Accident
Man Killed After Collision With Modot Truck In Missouri
Darrell Fryer, 61, was killed and another person was seriously injured Tuesday morning in a Missouri tractor trailer crash on I-44. Fryer was heading westbound in a 1992 Oldsmobile Cutlass at the time of the accident, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. He was… read more
Ryan Bradley | February 1, 2018 | Car Accident
Large Truck’s Lane Change On I-70 Injures One Driver And One Minor
Two Missouri residents were injured in a lane change accident on westbound Interstate 70 when a large truck struck their vehicle. The accident occurred in Jackson County on April 28, 2012 at 6:30pm. Shortly before the accident, a 2010 International Truck driven by Earl E…. read more
Ryan Bradley | October 19, 2015 | Car Accident
What To Do After A Car Accident In St. Louis, MO
The most recent statistics produced by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) show that in 2011, there were a total of 142,966 traffic crashes. There were 51,060 injured in 2011, and 786 individuals perished in or as a result of automobile accidents. Speed, substance abuse,… read more
Ryan Bradley | February 20, 2014 | Car Accident \ Expertise Areas
The Rear End Collision Doctrine
In Missouri, if you are hit from the rear by another driver, his or her negligence is presumed under what is referred to as the “rear end collision doctrine.” This legal doctrine: removes the burden of showing that the driver failed to use the highest degree… read more
Ryan Bradley | February 20, 2014 | Car Accident \ Expertise Areas
Side Impact Car Accidents
Side Impact Car Accidents, sometimes referred to as “broadside collisions” or “T-bone collisions,” occur when the side of a vehicle is struck by another vehicle or object.These types of car wrecks are very dangerous because forces are absorbed by the human body from the side…. read more