Richmond Heights Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Are you dealing with devastating health issues because of the negligence of a healthcare provider in Richmond Heights, Missouri? If so, do not hesitate to call Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers. You may have a legitimate claim for damages, and our Richmond Heights medical malpractice lawyers can help you fight to get the maximum financial payout you deserve.

Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers has been a leader in personal injury litigation since 2002. Victims of medical errors have turned to our award-winning Missouri trial attorneys for help during their darkest hours, trusting us to help them move forward. Putting 30+ years of experience behind every client’s case, we’ve helped them recover over $70 million in settlements and jury awards.

Today, our law firm is here to help you take on a powerful hospital and an aggressive insurance company in pursuit of the compensation you deserve. Contact our law office serving Richmond Heights at (314) 207-4399 to schedule your free consultation today.

How Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help If You’ve Been the Victim of a Medical Error in Richmond Heights, MO

How Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help If You’ve Been the Victim of a Medical Error in Richmond Heights, MO

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. It’s estimated that 21 percent of Americans have experienced a medical error at some point in their lives. When these errors cause injury or death, victims reserve the right to take legal action and hold their providers accountable for their mistakes.

Unfortunately, medical malpractice litigation is incredibly complicated. Thanks to laws that are designed more for the benefit of providers and hospitals, it can be quite challenging for victims of medical negligence to build successful legal cases and obtain much-needed monetary support.

That’s where Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers can make a difference.

If you’ve been the victim of a medical error, our Richmond Heights personal injury lawyers can help you level the playing field, take on powerful giants in the healthcare industry, and get the compensation you need and deserve.

You’ll be able to count on our top-rated legal team to:

  • Conduct a prompt and thorough investigation into your medical malpractice case
  • Obtain charts, provider notes, medical records, hospital policies and procedures, video footage, photographs, and other evidence needed to build a compelling legal claim
  • Interview members of your healthcare team and other witnesses to the incident
  • Prepare and submit an affidavit certifying the merit of your case supported by independent testimony of a medical expert
  • Handle all administrative aspects of your medical negligence claim
  • Represent your best interests during settlement negotiations with the provider, hospital, and/or insurance company
  • Reject unreasonably low settlement offers and bring your medical malpractice lawsuit to trial in St. Louis County, MO, if necessary

It can be intimidating to accuse a healthcare provider you trusted of negligence. The thought of challenging a powerful hospital or insurance company can be overwhelming. The good news is that you don’t have to go on this journey alone. Our medical malpractice attorneys in Richmond Heights are here to stand beside you at every turn.

We’ll represent you on a contingency fee basis, so there’s no added financial stress to ask for our help. You only pay if we win your medical malpractice case.

Give our legal team a call to learn more and arrange a time for your free initial case evaluation today.

What is Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice, simply put, refers to a healthcare provider’s failure to provide care that meets accepted standards within the medical community.

The standard of care is subjective and depends largely on the healthcare provider’s area of specialization. 

It often comes down to this question: would another healthcare provider of the same specialty have acted differently under the same circumstances? 

If a healthcare provider deviates from accepted standards and causes harm, they can be legally (and financially) responsible for resulting damages.

Common Types of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is a broad term that can be used to refer to any act of negligence or error made during care or treatment.

At Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we represent clients in medical malpractice cases involving:

  • Misdiagnosis
  • Failure to diagnose
  • Delayed diagnosis
  • Cancer misdiagnosis
  • Failure to treat
  • Surgical error
  • Wrong-site surgery
  • Foreign object left in the body
  • Anesthesia error
  • Prescription medication error
  • Emergency room error
  • Birth injury

If you’ve been injured or lost a family member because of a healthcare provider’s mistake, do not hesitate to contact our medical malpractice attorneys in Richmond Heights for help. Experience matters in these complex legal disputes, and we’re prepared to put the full force of our law firm behind your fight for compensation.

What Do I Have to Prove to Win My Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in Missouri?

Medical malpractice is, at its core, a matter of negligence.

When you file a medical malpractice lawsuit, you will have the burden of proving that your healthcare provider was negligent.

  • Duty: You must establish that the healthcare provider owed you a duty of care. Often, this involves proving that a doctor-patient relationship existed. 
  • Breach: There must be evidence that the healthcare provider breached the duty of care owed to you. You’ll need to prove that the level of care provided was sub-par.
  • Causation: The healthcare provider’s sub-par care must have been the actual and proximate cause of an injury or death. The injury suffered must not have been a reasonably foreseeable risk of the treatment provided.
  • Damages: You must be able to identify specific damages you’ve suffered because of the medical negligence.

Ultimately, you’ll have to demonstrate that you would not have been injured (or lost a family member) if the healthcare provider had provided an acceptable level of care. The mistakes they made were the driving force behind your injury.

Who Can Be Liable For Medical Negligence in Missouri?

Missouri law provides that liability can extend to anyone who assumes responsibility for your health and well-being, as well as anyone who participates in your medical treatment.

Depending on the specific circumstances of your case, potentially liable parties might include:

  • Primary care physician
  • Emergency room doctor
  • Surgeon
  • Medical specialist, such as an OBGYN
  • Nurse
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Anesthesiologist
  • Pharmacist
  • Hospital staff
  • Hospital administration
  • Urgent treatment center
  • Chiropractor
  • Midwife

Our medical malpractice lawyers in Richmond Heights will carefully evaluate your case and work to identify everyone who played a part in providing inadequate medical care. Once liability is clear, we will aggressively seek maximum compensation from all at-fault parties.

What Compensation Can I Get In a Richmond Heights Medical Malpractice Claim?

As the victim of medical negligence in Missouri, you reserve the right to file a lawsuit seeking compensatory damages.

Compensatory damages can include economic awards (to offset financial losses) and non-economic awards (to make up for harder-to-value trauma) for:

Missouri law caps the amount of non-economic damages that can be awarded to plaintiffs in medical malpractice lawsuits. For 2023, the maximum non-economic award for a non-catastrophic injury is $457,749, while the maximum award for a catastrophic injury is $801,061.

Expect pushback when you request damages in a medical malpractice lawsuit. Your negligent doctor will argue that your injuries aren’t that serious. The hospital will dispute the impact the error has had on your life. Count on our Richmond Heights medical malpractice attorneys to ensure that you have every opportunity to get the money you deserve.

We’ll conduct a thorough investigation into your case, bring in experts to offer guidance on the more technical aspects of your treatment, and build a compelling claim that forces meaningful settlement negotiations. Our goal isn’t just to help you win your medical malpractice lawsuit. It’s to get you a maximum payout and make a genuine impact on your life.

How Long Will I Have to Bring a Medical Malpractice Claim in Missouri?

With few exceptions, most medical malpractice lawsuits in Missouri are subject to a two-year statute of limitations.

Time begins to run the date the medical error is made.

Under the discovery rule, the statute of limitations can be paused if there’s a delay in the discovery of an injury. For instance, if a surgeon leaves a foreign object in your body after a procedure, the statute of limitations won’t begin to run until the object is discovered – even if it’s more than two years after the surgery was performed. 

Don’t assume you’ll have extra time to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. If you miss the deadline, you’ll lose the ability to assert your rights, bring a claim, and demand accountability.

Schedule a Free Consultation With an Experienced Richmond Heights Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Call Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers if you’ve been injured because of a medical error in Richmond Heights, Missouri. Negligent healthcare providers must be held accountable for their mistakes. Our Richmond Heights medical malpractice lawyers have the experience, passion, and resources needed to help you get the victory you deserve.

With over 30 years of combined experience and a winning record exceeding $70 million in damages, we’re the legal team you’ll want standing beside you for this fight.

Schedule your free initial case evaluation by contacting our Richmond Heights law office today at (314) 207-4399.