School bus accidents can be traumatic and painful for all involved, whether children and their families or other drivers. As a mode of public transport, school bus drivers and operators must ensure the safety of children and other road users. The Missouri State Highway Patrol conducts spot checks and annual checks of school buses to ensure they adhere to safety standards and regulations.

Unfortunately, school bus accidents with injuries and fatalities still happen. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a school bus accident in Missouri, Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers can help. Our Missouri school bus accident lawyers represent families whose children were hurt and drivers injured in school bus collisions.

Contact us now for a free case review, during which we can assess your case’s merits and discuss your options. 

Missouri School Bus Accidents Facts and Figures

According to the National Safety Council (NCS), school buses are still the safest option for transporting children to school. However, that doesn’t mean children aren’t hurt in school bus crashes. Accident statistics provide vital insights into the frequency and severity of school bus accidents in Missouri. Here are some crucial accident facts and figures from the Missouri State Highway Patrol:

  • 59 individuals lost their lives in Missouri school bus accidents between 2002 and 2022.
  • 834 school bus accidents occurred in the state in 2022 alone. 
  • Most of those injured in school bus accidents in 2022 were children between 11 and 14.
  • 345 individuals were injured and killed in school bus crashes in 2022 (including 343 injured persons and two fatalities).

Have you or your loved one been affected by a school bus accident? Our Missouri school bus accident lawyers are here to help you learn about your rights.

What Are the Most Common Causes of School Bus Crashes?

School bus accidents can result from various factors. However, like car accidents, human error or negligence plays a significant role. Here is a run-down of some of the most common causes of school bus crashes nationally and in Missouri: 

  • School Bus Driver Error. Driver error is a leading cause of accidents. Negligent or reckless actions of drivers include distracted driving, speeding, and ignoring traffic signs or signals. 
  • Lack of Driver Training. Improper school bus driver training or lack of experience can contribute to accidents. Bus drivers must partake in ongoing training to ensure they observe all safety regulations in Missouri. 
  • Inclement Weather. Bad weather conditions, like snow, ice, or fog, can contribute to school bus accidents. Reduced visibility and slippery road surfaces can make it challenging for drivers to maintain full control of the school bus. 
  • Mechanical Failure. School buses must undergo rigorous maintenance schedules and regular servicing. However, issues with brakes, tires, or other mechanical components can still occur. If unaddressed, mechanical failure can lead to tragic accidents.
  • Other Drivers. Other drivers’ negligent actions can pose a risk to school bus safety. Reckless driving, unsafe lane changes, tailgating, and failure to yield may result in collisions and injuries.
  • Loading and Unloading Zones. Accidents also occur when students board or disembark from school buses. Inattentive drivers and school bus driver mistakes can lead to injuries and fatalities.

Depending on the details of your school bus accident, you could have a legal claim and pursue compensation from the at-fault party. Responsible parties can include the bus driver, school district, a bus repair shop, or others. An experienced Missouri school bus accident lawyer can guide you through this process, help you determine the viability of your claim, and move forward with legal action on your behalf.

What Does a Missouri School Bus Accident Lawyer Do?

If you or your child is injured in a school bus crash, having a lawyer by your side can be crucial for your case. A Missouri school bus accident lawyer knows the laws and regulations surrounding such accidents and specializes in navigating the legal complexities. Here’s how Bradley Law can help:

Investigating and Evaluating Your Case 

Our lawyers thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the school bus accident. This can involve hiring industry experts to examine the bus, interviewing witnesses, and assessing the extent of your injuries and damages. We’ll also evaluate the viability of a legal claim and determine negligence and liability.

Identifying all Liable Parties in the Accident

School bus accidents can be challenging to understand. Our lawyers can assess who is responsible, which could include several entities. At-fault parties can include:

  • The school bus driver
  • Another driver
  • The school district
  • The school bus manufacturer or parts manufacturer
  • A maintenance and servicing provider

Understanding who caused or contributed to the crash is critical for pursuing a fair settlement. In school bus accidents, you could have various avenues for compensation. 

Navigating Insurance Claims

If another caused your school bus accident, their insurance is typically responsible for reimbursing you for damages. However, insurance companies are known to make lowball settlement offers, especially in high-stake claims. A lawyer at Bradley Law can ensure you’re not being taken advantage of by an insurer. We can communicate and negotiate with the insurance company, so you don’t have to. 

If an insurer refuses a fair settlement, we can take them to court and fight hard for maximum compensation.

Supporting You Throughout the Legal Process

Our clients are not just a number to us. We care about you and want you to get the medical treatment and settlement you need and deserve. 

Our Missouri school bus accident lawyers can offer guidance and support during every stage of the legal process. This includes explaining your legal options, advising you on the potential outcomes of the case, and supporting you from the beginning of your claim until you receive a settlement check.  


Do I need a Missouri school bus accident lawyer?

According to the NCS, around 70% of those hurt in school bus accidents nationally are occupants of other vehicles, meaning other drivers are at greater risk of getting hurt or killed in school bus accidents. However, unlike car accidents, school bus accidents can involve complex legal issues, and getting what you deserve can be more challenging. For instance, you may have to sue a school district or a bus manufacturer. 

Here are some circumstances when working with an experienced bus accident lawyer can be critical for the outcome of your case:

  • Fault for the school bus accident is disputed, or you are being blamed for the crash
  • A loved one died in the accident 
  • You or a loved one suffered significant injuries 
  • You are partially responsible for the school bus accident
  • You have high damages, such as medical bills, income loss, or others
  • Your insurance claim was denied or reduced

In a school bus accident claim, a powerful advocate can level the playing field and help you obtain full and fair compensation. 

How much does a Missouri school bus accident lawyer charge?

Lawyers’ fees can vary from one law firm to another. However, most personal injury lawyers work on contingency, meaning you don’t pay them until and unless they win and you receive damages. That said, some firms bill you upfront for legal expenses when they come due. Such costs can mount up and include court filing fees, deposition costs, expert witness fees, and others.

Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers never charge you anything upfront. We have the resources to handle your case from start to finish, and we only get paid when you get paid.

What damages can I recover in a school bus accident claim?

If your claim is successful, you could receive various damages. However, what you can recover will depend on the specifics of your claim, such as the extent of your injuries and the financial costs associated with the crash. 

Medical Expenses: You could receive all medical costs related to your school bus accident injuries, such as hospitalization, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation therapies.

Property Damage: If your personal property was damaged or destroyed in the crash, you could be entitled to repair or replacement costs.

Lost Wages: If you lost wages due to accident injuries, you could qualify for past and future lost earnings.

Pain and Suffering: Damages for your physical and emotional pain and suffering may be available in a school bus accident claim.

Wrongful Death Compensation: If a loved one died in a school bus crash, you could qualify for wrongful death damages, such as funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and the emotional impact of the loss.

Seeking the guidance of an experienced Missouri school bus accident lawyer is essential. We can help you understand the worth of your claim and the types of compensation you could receive. 

Get Bradley Law on Your Side Today

Whoever is responsible for you or your child’s school bus accident should bear the burden of your damages, not you. With over 30 years of experience and a track record of recovering over $70 million in settlements and verdicts, you can trust Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers to fight powerfully for your best interests. 

Our dedicated Missouri school bus accident lawyers want to help you get the compensation you need to heal and move forward with your life. Contact us today to discover your next best steps in a free consultation.