Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft are a convenient way to get around. With just a few clicks on your phone, your driver is ready to pick you up and take you to your destination. However, when a rideshare accident happens, getting a settlement can be anything but easy.  

Taking on large corporations like Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare companies involves unique challenges. However, our Belleville, IL Uber and Lyft accident lawyers are ready to assist you with an insurance claim or lawsuit. Contact us today for a free case review to determine whether you have a case.

How Common Are Uber and Lyft Accidents?

The use of rideshare services like Uber and Lyft has dramatically increased over the past decade. However, this surge in popularity comes with drawbacks. Accidents involving rideshare vehicles become increasingly common. A study conducted by the University of Chicago and Rice University revealed that rideshare companies, such as Lyft and Uber, have contributed to a 3% increase in fatalities and fatal accidents. 

The nature of rideshare driving can involve long hours on the roads after drivers have already completed hours at their “day job,” leading to loss of concentration and fatigued driving. Since ridesharing is particularly popular in cities, heavy stop-and-go traffic also increases the likelihood of accidents. 

Causes of Rideshare Accidents in Belleville

According to the National Security Council (NSC), most accidents involve human error, vehicle-related causes, and environmental conditions. However, up to 94% of crashes occur solely due to driver error, such as negligent or dangerous driving behaviors. Here are some of the most common causes of rideshare accidents: 

  • Distracted or fatigued driving
  • Speeding
  • Failure to yield
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Generally dangerous driving
  • Vehicle defects
  • Poor road construction or maintenance

Drivers are legally obligated to drive reasonably safely and do their best to prevent crashes. Illinois is an at-fault state, meaning the person or entity responsible for your damages should compensate you. 

If you were injured as a passenger in an Uber or Lyft vehicle, you could pursue a claim against the at-fault party, such as the driver or rideshare company. A Belleville, IL Uber and Lyft accident lawyer can help you pursue compensation. 

How Do Uber and Lyft Accidents Differ from Other Car Accidents?

If you were injured in a rideshare accident, don’t assume that the process of receiving an insurance settlement is the same as that of other accidents. Uber and Lyft crashes differ from typical car accidents. Here’s how:

  • Drivers are Independent Contractors: Since Uber and Lyft drivers aren’t employees, holding the rideshare company responsible for damages in an accident can be challenging.
  • Complex Liability Issues: In a traditional car accident in an at-fault state such as Illinois, the at-fault driver (or their insurer) is usually responsible for the victim’s damages. However, in rideshare accidents, companies such as Uber and Lyft could also be responsible under the concept of vicarious liability. There may also be other liable parties.
  • Insurance Issues: Uber and Lyft liability insurance coverage only kicks in once a driver accepts a ride and is en route to pick up passengers. If a driver is offline or between rides, their personal car insurance policy applies. This means gaps in coverage could arise, especially if a rideshare driver is uninsured.

In addition to these complexities, you could face an uphill struggle against the large insurance companies of rideshare providers. They’ll almost certainly dispute liability or try to minimize your payout. A Belleville, IL Uber and Lyft accident lawyer can help you navigate these complexities and seek maximum compensation for your injuries and losses.

What to Do if You’re Involved in a Rideshare Accident

Knowing what to do and what not to do after an accident can protect your health and legal rights. Here are your next best steps when injured in an Uber or Lyft accident:

  • Call 911:  As with any serious accident, call 911 and wait for law enforcement to arrive. If you or anyone else is injured, request medical assistance. 
  • Seek Medical Advice: Even if you feel fine, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Accident scenes can be chaotic, and you may be unaware of injuries. 
  • Collect Information: Before leaving the scene, ensure you have the Uber or Lyft driver’s contact details and insurance information, as well as the contact details of any other parties or witnesses.  
  • Gather Evidence: Use your phone to take pictures of damaged vehicles and any visible injuries. Note how, where, and when the Uber or Lyft accident occurred.
  • Contact a Belleville, IL Uber and Lyft Accident Lawyer: If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a rideshare crash, talk to an attorney as soon as possible. Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers can identify your legal options and best next steps.

Damages You Could Recover in an Uber and Lyft Rideshare Accident

Accident injuries can impact every sphere of your life, including your physical and emotional well-being, career, and relationships. The loss of life enjoyment can be profound, and once-cherished activities and hobbies may now be inaccessible to you. However, if you suffer such wide-ranging impacts due to another’s mistake or carelessness, you could qualify for considerable economic and non-economic damages. 

Economic Damages

Economic damages compensate you for your financial losses due to a rideshare accident and may include:

  • Property damage
  • Income loss 
  • Medical costs
  • Rental car fees
  • Out-of-pocket expenses

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are designed to compensate those with severe or disabling injuries for their suffering and reduced quality of life and may include awards for:

  • Physical pain and emotional distress 
  • Loss of a limb  
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Disability

A Belleville, IL Uber and Lyft Accident Lawyer Can Fight for You

Handling a rideshare accident and insurance companies alone can be challenging and even jeopardize your case. A lawyer at Bradley Law can be by your side every step of the way and fight for what you deserve. 

  • Investigate the Rideshare Crash: Our attorneys can work with accident reconstruction professionals to determine who or what caused the crash. They can also gather and organize evidence to strengthen your case, including witness statements, police reports, and medical records. 
  • Identify all Responsible Parties: The outcome of an investigation may reveal several defendants in your claim. This could provide you with several avenues for recovering compensation.  
  • Determine the Value of Your Claim: You may not know the full worth of your claim without the help of an experienced Belleville, IL Uber and Lyft accident lawyer. We can assess the extent of your injuries and financial losses, including expected future losses. 
  • Fight for Maximum Compensation: Bradley Law wants you to recover the full value of your case. We can negotiate strongly with insurers and don’t shy away from taking them to court if necessary.


Can I sue an Uber or Lyft driver?

Yes, you could have a legal case against an Uber or Lyft driver if you’re involved in an accident with a rideshare car or hurt while traveling in a rideshare vehicle. 

In such cases, you could file a lawsuit against the driver for negligence, seeking compensation for your injuries and damages. 

You could also pursue a claim against a rideshare company if the driver was active (either on the way to pick up passengers or transporting passengers) with Uber or Lyft at the time of the accident. A Belleville, IL Uber and Lyft accident lawyer at Bradley Law can assess the viability of your claim and identify all potential defendants. 

Do I need a lawyer for an Uber or Lyft rideshare accident?

Whether or not you need a lawyer for an Uber or Lyft accident depends on the circumstances of the accident and the extent of your injuries and financial losses. For example, if you sustained minor injuries and the insurance company is cooperating, you may be able to handle the claim on your own. 

However, if you suffered significant or even life-changing injuries or liability for the crash is disputed, handling your case alone could be a mistake. A lawyer experienced in handling rideshare accident cases can help you navigate the legal process and, if necessary, pursue litigation to seek maximum compensation for your injuries and other damages.

Bradley Law Is Here to Help

Dealing with a rideshare accident can be confusing and overwhelming. However, you don’t have to face the aftermath of a crash by yourself. Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers is here to provide the support and advocacy you need during this challenging time. 

We don’t shy away from taking on large corporations or insurers and can help you fight for what you deserve. There are no upfront attorney’s fees, as we won’t charge you a dime until and unless you win and recover damages. The time to file a personal injury lawsuit is limited in Illinois, so don’t wait to get legal advice and help. Contact our Belleville, IL Uber and Lyft accident lawyers today for a free case review.