Four Kansas citizens were injured in a Jasper County Missouri trucking accident near Joplin, Missouri. The Missouri truck accident occurred on May 3, 2011 at 12:25pm.

A 1998 Kenworth tractor trailer slammed into the driver’s side of a 1998 Chevrolet Monte Carlo on MO-43, five miles north of Joplin. After the collision, the Kenworth truck drove off the roadway and overturned. The Kenworth was driven by Jeffrey L. Oglesby of Lamar, Missouri. The Chevrolet, which was totaled in the accident, was driven by Larry D. Hawkins of Parsons, Kansas.

Four citizens of Parsons, Kansas sustained injuries in the accident. Hawkins, the driver, suffered moderate injuries in the accident. James C. Glass and 14-year-old Adreanna M. Kendrick also sustained moderate injuries. Carla D. Kendrick suffered serious injuries. All four injured people went to St. John’s Hospital of Joplin via ambulance. Oglesby the truck driver did not have any reported injuries. The truck sustained extensive damage.

Filing a lawsuit to obtain compensation for injuries sustained in a Missouri trucking accident can be a complex process for an accident victim. The process may be even more daunting when the trucking accident occurred in another state. Each state has the sovereign authority to create its own traffic laws. As a result, a particular turn may be legal in one state and illegal in a neighboring state. This system allows state legislatures to create the traffic laws that are suited for their state’s terrain, population density, and traffic problems. However, it complicates filing a negligence claim for plaintiffs who reside in another state.

An out-of-state accident victim injured in Missouri should contact a Missouri truck accident lawyer. A Missouri truck accident lawyer will understand how Missouri’s traffic laws apply to the facts of the accident victim’s case. A Missouri lawyer will be aware of recent changes in Missouri tort law, the body of law that governs compensatory claims for accident injuries. Like traffic laws, tort laws differ from state to state. A lawyer from the accident victim’s home state may not understand Missouri tort law as well as a Missouri trucking accident attorney.

Out-of-state accident victims should also consider filing in a Missouri state court or federal district court in Missouri. Personal jurisdiction is the power of a court over a defendant in a lawsuit. Every court does not have personal jurisdiction over every defendant. For example, an Alaskan court would not have personal jurisdiction over a non-Alaskan truck driver who injured a Kansas citizen in a Missouri truck accident. However, a Missouri court would have personal jurisdiction over the truck driver because the accident occurred in Missouri. Therefore, the accident victim could sue the truck driver in Missouri but not Alaska.

Contact Our Truck Accident Law Firm For Help Today

For more information, please contact Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers at your nearest location to schedule a free case evaluation today.

St. Louis Office
1430 Washington Ave Suite #226 St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 400-0000

Kansas City Office
1509 NE Parvin Rd, Suite A., Kansas City, MO 64116
(816) 408-3448

Or if you would prefer to reach out to us online, please visit our contact us page.