Ryan Bradley | June 15, 2012 | Car Accident
Two Caulfield, Missouri residents were injured on June 10, 2012 in a car crash on Route 160 in Howell County. One Caulfield, Missouri resident was killed in the crash. The time of the Missouri wrongful death accident was 3:00pm.
Gary M. Ragar, age 53, was driving eastbound on Route 160 in his 1963 Ford Galaxie. At the same time, Ronald L. Becker, age 75, was driving westbound on Route 160 and was traveling in his 2001 Ford F250. Becker was also accompanied by Carolyn H. Becker, age 71. For unknown reasons, Ragar crossed the center line of Route 160. Ragar’s vehicle ended up striking Becker’s vehicle in a head-on collision. Both vehicles sustained total damage due to the head-on collision.
Carolyn and Ronald Becker both sustained some injuries due to the collision. Gary M. Ragar was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Highway Patrol examined the surviving drivers as required by Missouri law. Carolyn and Ronald Becker were both transported by ambulance services to Ozarks Medical Center in West Plains, Missouri. Ragar’s body was transported to Robertson-Drago Funeral Home in West Plains Missouri. Ragar’s next of kin has been since notified of the fatal Missouri car accident. None of the parties had their safety devices activated before the accident.
Missouri State Highway Patrol also notes that this has been the fourteenth (14th) fatality in this sector this year as opposed to the twelve (12) fatalities that occurred in 2011 in the same time period.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and multiple other sources have noted that head-on collisions are among the most dangerous types of car accidents. Statistics show that close to 10 percent of all fatal car accidents are head-on collisions. From a scientific standpoint, head-on collisions are deadly because even a head-on collision with two vehicles traveling at moderate speeds can simulate an impact as if a vehicle had been traveling at extremely high speeds. Not only do head-on collisions often guarantee severe vehicle damage, but could also result in serious or fatal injuries. Wearing a seat-belt may potentially be the difference between a serious injury and a fatality, but the best protective measure is drive in a safe and careful manner.
Missouri car accident lawsuits can occur even if one or all of the parties involved in the accident are deceased (whether in the accident or afterwards). Parties can file lawsuits like wrongful death suits in a Missouri court of law that will litigate the issue of the car accident even if main parties are dead. In most cases, estates of the deceased will stand-in as a representative party. In some scenarios, family members may be able to act in behalf of a Missouri fatal car crash victim. However, these kinds of lawsuits are often very complex. In the case of a fatal Missouri car accident, it would be best to contact a Missouri car accident attorney for assistance and information.
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